Astrid Rostaing - International Distribution

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Involvement in arts & culture has spanned my entire professional life, going back over 15 years. Carrying projects forward is the challenge that I thrive on, and from my base in Berlin, I manage their distribution internationally. I enjoy giving structure to all kinds of beautifully chaotic and ambivalent realities, and my curiosity for diverse forms of creativity serves as the essential basis for such work. Upon completing masters degrees in English Arts & Literature, Communication Sciences and Cultural Politics & Management at the Universities Paris X Nanterre and Paris VIII Saint Denis, I began my work in accompanying theatre directors, choreographers, and visual artists in the construction of their ideas, and in supporting them to develop and establish their work. Since commencing this career path, I have assisted in the conceptualisation, production and administration of numerous projects. Further on in a work's development, I have also lent expertise in public relations, and in communicating the completed vision through various media.
Transitioning to focus on dance, I have freelanced for various choreographers, performers, and dance companies, including as a company manager for nora chipaumire. Recently, I have chosen to specialise as a booking agent and distributor in the field of contemporary dance and performing art. Through the establishment of honest and fulfilling working relationships, it is my continuing mission to provide lasting and tangible solutions for each of my clients.